Specialised Danish language courses at UCPH
Did you know that UCPH’s Centre for Internationalisation and Parallel Language Use (CIP) offers courses in Danish for specific purposes for staff? Read more about CIP and what they have to offer in this article.

CIP conducts research on a range of topics related to interface between language and university internationalisation. Research topics include the link between language use and professional identity and how language identities can influence communicative practices in various domains at the university – from the multilingual classroom to department meetings and everything in between.
Drawing on this research, CIP offers tailor-made language support for students and staff at UCPH, with a main focus on English and Danish. This article zooms in on Danish language courses for staff.
Tailor-made courses
CIP offers courses to VIP and TAP participants at all proficiency levels in Danish, from beginner to advanced. All courses are based on the specific needs, wishes, and language level of the individual participant. So, in addition to work on pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary, Danish courses at CIP focus on the kind of language that participants use as part of their everyday life, either receptively (listening/reading) or productively (speaking/writing).
The tailor-made format means that participants can practice using Danish in communicative situations that are relevant for them, such as reading minutes, responding to emails, preparing lecture slides, speaking at meetings, or chatting at lunch. This approach helps participants develop communication strategies for specific work-related contexts and build confidence, step by step.
The language policy at the University of Copenhagen stipulates that teaching staff (tenure-track assistant professors, associate professors, and full professors) should be 'able contribute to teaching in Danish after 3–6 years'. Although this requirement does not imply exclusive use of Danish (as explained here), it can be a source of anxiety for many because it poses a potential threat to established professional identities. CIP's Danish courses for teaching staff are designed to address this challenge.
Flexible scheduling
Given the busy schedules of UCPH staff, CIP uses a flexible approach to course scheduling and structure. CIP's courses take place at the participant's own department, at CIP's facilities on South Campus, or online. The day and time of each lesson is agreed upon by the course teachers and participants.
The courses are offered as one-on-one lessons or in small groups, and they are paid for by the participants' home department, faculty, or similar unit, in accordance with the university's language policy. One-on-one lessons are useful for participants who are interested in working with Danish for specific job-related tasks. Learning Danish together with colleagues as part of a small group is a fun and social way of learning Danish everyday conversations. Just like the one-on-one lessons, participants who participate in courses as part of a small group get input that fits their needs, levels, and interests.
If you want to know more If you'd like to know even more about what CIP has to offer, you can visit their website at www.cip.ku.dk, call them at +45 35328639 or write them an email at cip@hum.ku.dk.
CIP also gives presentations and runs workshops on how to develop local language policy principles as part of establishing a good working or teaching environment. You can hear more about this topic – and much more – in the CIP podcast series on language use at UCPH, Sprogbrug på KU – Københavns Universitet (with episodes in Danish as well as English). |
By Centre for Internationalisation and Parallel Language Use (CIP)
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